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Saturday, 24 February 2018



Thank you for joining me on what I am calling my lecture series. I am extremely passionate about character development and ensuring ones moral compass is facing qiblah. I also love to talk about leading a meaningful life and finding peace and contentment in all we do.

I have been married for 26 years, alhamdulillah and love to share tips on my best practices and what I know for sure. To all the singles out there, you are not left out. I share tips on what to do before the marriage, finding and being the right person and things to watch out for.

This is one of three episodes I am calling;

"Shine your light Brightly".

We all have people we admire and look up to. We all have role models. The truth is, we are also role models. People are looking up to us and copying us. The trouble is, what are they copying? Are we using all the tools and gifts that Allah has blessed us with, are we representing Allah as we should, as His ambassadors?

In our thoughts, are we conscious of Him? In our utterances, do we speak in a manner that He would be pleased with us? In our actions, do we remember we are His khalifah's and act accordingly? Are we consciously, deliberately behaving in an exemplary manner? What are we and who are we to others? Who are we to our colleagues, our neighbours, our children and to those who are looking up to us? Are we shining our light brightly for ourselves and for others or is our battery getting dim or needs replacement?

Do we need to turn over a new leaf and start afresh with new intentions and a new purpose? During this episode, I talk about all these and a whole lot more.

I promise to talk about my absolutely favourite topic, "Marriage". I will share tips on how to handle conflict, strengthen the bond between you and your spouse and also let's not forget the fun stuff, how to spice up the marriage.

We need to stop focusing on negatives and start finding solutions and being part of the solution. In this video, I share a quote which I love very much that says;

 "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem".

I also share another quote that goes:

"You don't need a title to lead."

We don't need to wait for others to make the first move before we start playing our role. It just takes self motivation and personal leadership.

There is a lot of good in and around us if we just look for it. Let's forward positive inspirational quotes, messages and videos. Let's share good images and success stories of whats working. Let's inspire and uplift one another. Short of having enough role models to choose from, many turn to sports stars, athletes, movie stars, musicians and reality TV stars as their heroes and role models.

We need to shine our light brightly so others can look up to us and emulate us. We need to learn how to connect with them, understand them, not judge them.

We need to be able to inspire them and give them alternatives to what is out there. Please ask yourself these important questions

1. How significant are you to others?

2. Whose lives are you touching?

3. What legacy are you hoping to leave behind and is it significant?

4. What do you want to be remembered for?

5. Is your presence felt?

6. Will your absence be noticed?

7. Who will cry when you die?

In sha Allah, during the final episode, I shall be giving practical examples of what we can do, however small to be significant, make a difference and be an inspiration to others. May Allah make it easy for all of us and forgive us for our shortcomings. Amin.

We will explore small acts that we can do to make a difference and help us be more significant and be the 'most useful."

It all boils down to doing, being, touching lives, improving and adding value, however small. Think of many more acts that you can add to what you are currently doing.

The key thing is to always remember that;

'There are enough ordinary people out there who are doing ordinary things. However, what we need is ordinary people doing small EXTRA-ordinary things.'

"The deeds most loved by Allah are those regularly done, even if they are small."


Lighten the load of someone, put a smile on someone's face, give pre-marital advice, organise an event and invite speakers to share their wisdom and knowledge. Or, you can use your voice to bring people closer to Allah, protect your environment, join hands with friends to sponsor someone, plant a tree and let birds eat and get shelter from it and people enjoy the coolness of its shade. All these and so many more are small but significant acts.

This is what brings true happiness, fulfillment and contentment.

May Allah continue to give us the strength to so the right thing always, even when we don't feel like it. May He guide us to do the best we can using the tools and gifts He has blessed us with. May all we do serve as witness for us in the life to come. Amin.

Please join me during many more episodes to come in shaa Allah where I cover more topics to do with our personal growth and development, strengthening our relationship with Allah, tips on what to know and do before saying 'I do' and lots of talks on marriage.

If you have any comments or want to give me feedback or share with me if this has been of benefit to you, please send me an email.

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe (to YouTube channel) and get notifications as more episodes come in. I promise to talk about my absolutely favourite topic, "Marriage". I will share tips on how to handle conflict, strengthen the bond between you and your spouse and also let's not forget the fun stuff, how to spice up the marriage. If you found this useful, please pass it on.

Jazakumullahu khayran

Copied from Maryam Lemu's YouTube channel just for you. Thank you for reading and may God bless you abundantly. Smiles! 

Rubaba Mmahajia Rahma Sabtiu
+233 279 073 410 (Whatsapp)
www.mmahajia. www.strivingbeautifulsoul www.letterstomydotas.