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Tuesday, 20 August 2019

THE MAZE - Power like Rum Doth Come to Some

Assalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barkaatuhu my dear brothers and sisters. I pray that you are doing super great by the unflinching grace of the Most High, the Most Great. It’s been long I wrote an article and I am glad I finally gathered some energy to do this. Do keep up with reading them so that we both benefit – smiles!

So, what am I writing about? Well, I was going to write my personal take on the life of an amazing khalifa of Islam, Umar ibn Al-Khattab, radiyallaahu anhu but I decided to write on something else first. By this, I am pre-informing you of an article to come on this noble companion and friend of the Prophet Muhammad suallaahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, to what I am writing on…

I found myself reading a book before its publication. It actually took so long for me to settle on reading it because it was a novel and I have kind of outgrown reading novels – I appreciate more, reality or at least drama. When I finally did, it blew my mind.

At a point in the novel, I was arguing with the author, who happens to be a friend, in my head. I told myself;

 ‘No, he has to change this part of the story. This is not acceptable.’

I was convinced that I will do whatever I could to make him change the storyline. Sometimes I had to put the reading on hold just to breathe in some air because the story was just taking me up and down, up and down.

One thing I noticed was, I could simply not foretell what was going to happen next – the book was full of suspense, the kind that will leave you wide-eyed with surprise. From the beginning to the end, you just have to be ready to read something that will surprise you.

The author was so vivid and detailed in his description that you could see the characters in the story walking. Yes! You read right! Smiles! The imagery in the story is one of a kind. I could see Wumpini, the main character’s village with all the children and adults in it. I can even imagine how the tree under which Wumpini saw a charm one day fits perfectly in the village set-up. I can see all of Wumpini’s childhood mischief and the kind of eye with which his sisters stared at him in annoyance. I can see them all.

The amount of mixed emotions that erupt from this novel is also another reason why I believe everyone should read it. One moment you are totally laughing and then suddenly, you feel angry, either with the author or the characters in the story. You can be totally sad and then surprised. Sometimes even, you will find yourself totally feelingless. Smiles!

The Maze, that is the title of the novel, is a book that features an unaccountable number of issues; poverty and affluence, birth and death, marriage and divorce, polygamy, literacy and illiteracy, discrimination against women, child and forced marriage, superstition, family, societal and country conflict, tribalism, deceit and loyalty, friendship and enmity, and many more.

As the subtitle, poweloyaltycome to some like rum, suggests; the Maze in summary makes us understand in clear details how much we as humans are ready to sacrifice just for the want of power. It tells us just how intelligently scheming we can be just because of power. However wrong these schemings are; the story gives you a clear definition of what loyalty to either good or bad is.

The Maze is a story that touches on almost every aspect of our lives. It fits so well in our political world. It talks about a lot of social rights and wrongs. It is an inspirational book that motivates one to yearn and belief in a future of success no matter where one is coming from.

I remember how unhappy I had been after reading Prof Ama Atta Aidoo’s Changes. The end of the story was a no no no for me. The Maze, written by a medical doctor – Gubli Natogmah, gives you so much to talk about long after you have read the last word. You could go on and on and on about what you think should have or shouldn’t have and that is the beauty of the story. I cannot say whether you will be happy or sad after you have finished reading this book, but you will definitely get a lot of vocabulary (smiles) and you will definitely request for a part two of it (smiles) because in the end, you will have so many unanswered questions to find answers to or you will have answers that will not be enough to answer the many questions that will emanate from this book.

Sorry I didn’t narrate any part of the story to you; that is not part of the plan. This book is going to be launched in a number of regions. It was launched in Tamale on the 3rd of August, 2019 at the Picorna Hotel.

To read the first few chapters; copy this link into your google search engine.

For more information about this book and how to get one for yourself and for your family, contact the following people;

The Author; Dr Yakubu Abukari Natogmah, writing as Gubli Natogmah – +233 245 232 084
The CEO, Nayzee Creations; Fatima Zaara Dan Saabo – +233 268 963 566

You may also get in touch with them on facebook and WhatsApp.

Thank you for your time. Reading definitely adds unto you so just keep reading and learning and leading. And most definitely, do not forget me in your du’a especially my daughter and my son. May Allah azza wa jal increase us in love for His sake solely. Aameen Yaa Waduud Yaa Allah. Jazaakumullaahu khayran always!!!

Rubaba Mmahajia Rahma Sabtiu
+233 555 392 722 (Whatsapp)

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